Saturday, November 17, 2012

India overtakes France as the world's sixth largest country in terms of nanotechnology publications in 2011

India has overtaken France as the world’s sixth largest country in terms of nanotechnology publications in 2011 according to the Centre for KnowledgeManagement of Nanoscience & Technology (CKMNT), study and analysis published in Nanotech Insights, which is a quarterly newsletter dedicated to all the aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
In 2001, India was in the tenth position in terms of nanotechnology publications worldwide. Ten years later i.e. 2011, India had become the sixth largest country in terms of nanotechnology publications, after the USA, China, Japan, Germany and South Korea, respectively. However, if we look at values for China on this indicator in 2011, the number of nanoscience and nanotechnology related publications of China is 6% higher than that of the USA. It is evident that China is the only country in the world of which the publication’s percentage share shows exponential growth, while India’s growth trend was significant as well. Japan, Germany and France were relatively stable. India’s output showed an increase during the period 2001-2011 as an effect of the Government of India’s (GOI) “Nanoscience and Technology Initiative (NSTI, allocated Rs. 60 crores)” in 2001 and “Nano Mission”, implemented by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) during the XIth Five Year Plan (2007-2012) with the budget allocation of Rs. 1000 crores. In addition to “Nano Mission”, there are also several Central Government departments or organizations such as Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY, Rs. 500 Cr, during 2004-2011), Department of Biotechnology (DBT, Rs. 100 Cr till 2011), Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Department of Space (DOS), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) that have supported nanoscience and nanotechnology research programs in their respective areas.

Global nanotechnology scientific publications have exhibited exponential growth for more than a decade. The most rapid growth over the period has come from East Asian countries, notably China, Japan, South Korea and India. USA remains the world's largest country in aggregate nanotechnology research publications during the 2001-2012 time frame, followed by China and Japan. All of the top ten countries in this domain have increased publication from 2001 to 2012, but the average growth rate in research has not been uniform globally. USA and China lead the world in nanotechnology research publications, whereas India has increased published research output by a ten-fold since 2001.

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